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Plant a Tree in Memory of a Beloved Companion

Plant a tree in memory of a lost pet as the perfect, thoughtful memorial for friends & family members.

Complete this form & select your gift options

Pet Order Form


Tell Us About Yourself

The "TreeGiver" will appear on the certificate on the lower left corner, and in the sympathy letter.

Do you have a Promocode?

Yes, I do!

Coupon validating...

Did you hear about us from your Veterinarian?

Let us thank your Vet!
Please let us know who referred you to our tree planting service


Personalize Your Thoughtful Memorial


Who Will Be Receiving this Gift?

Is this gift going to Canada?

*We currently offer only standard unframed orders when shipping to Canada. 
If you have any questions,
contact us!


Please Review All Your Entries Before Submitting!

I have reviewed my order for accuracy:

TreeGivers will process each order exactly as received, to your specification as you submit in the form fields above.  If you happen to notice anything about the order that you would like to correct please change it in the fields above before submitting your order below.


Orders will be processed within one business day of payment and will be mailed via USPS during their published business hours.


Order Total: $0

(It is not necessary to enter shipping information with PayPal as we use this form's entry instead.)

Click this button to pay by credit or debit card, or your PayPal Account


After completing your payment, this Submit button will be enabled:

Note: A PayPal account is not required to complete your transaction. If you have any questions when completing your order, please Contact Us and we'll be happy to assist you!

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